
About Me

My name is Romy Wakil (she/her) and I am a cis, able-bodied, white-passing woman of Lebanese heritage who grew up in Cyprus and currently live in London. When not working, I enjoy music, dancing, travelling and being with my loved ones. An island woman at heart, I am happiest when by the sea on a warm summer’s day.


In my professional life – I hold two different roles working as a psychotherapist, facilitating individual and group therapy and working as a consultant for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
I am a BACP registered psychotherapist and have been working in the field since 2012 - primarily within eating disorder services and NGOs that work with refugees and asylum seekers. I offer psychotherapy in English, Arabic (Levantine dialect) and French.

I work as a consultant for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion where I offer anti-discriminatory group reflections for individuals seeking to dismantle their biases and work within an anti-racist and anti-discriminatory framework.

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My Approach

Practicing psychotherapy since 2012
Whilst my training was person-centred and psychodynamic - the aim of my practice is anti-oppressive. I also work relationally with the client drawing on earlier childhood experiences and focusing on body-based approaches for grounding (eg: breathing techniques, mindfulness etc).

I work primarily with clients who are in recovery from trauma, an eating disorder, depression and/or anxiety. My work is trauma and identity informed whereby I use psychoeducation initially to help equip clients with tools for emotional regulation before exploring unprocessed material which clients may be carrying. I am a passionate believer in full recovery and consider it an honour to be alongside clients in their journey of growth towards internal freedom.