Psychotherapy Services

  • How do I know if therapy is right for me?
    If you’re considering therapy, you’ve already made the first step in your recovery. The second step is finding a therapist that you feel safe with, that is best suited for your needs in this journey.
    The first step is for us to schedule an initial ‘assessment’ session after you contact me. This is a 50 minute session where you and I will get to know each other more. This is an opportunity where we can find out more about what has brought you to therapy, and what it is you are seeking support for at this stage in your life. The assessment session is different to regular sessions as it is a space where we collaboratively assess your needs and explore whether we would be a good fit for your recovery needs.
  • How long is a 1-1 therapy session and how often would we meet for therapy?
    Each 1-1 session is 50 minutes long, this is known as a ‘therapeutic hour’
    The frequency of sessions depends on your individual needs and this is something we would put in place in our therapeutic contract together – which is a mutual expectations framework for our work together. In an effort to achieve consistency and connection – we often meet weekly, at the same time and on the same day – in order to establish a strong relational foundation. The therapeutic session serves as an anchor to support you in your journey of recovery. As we move towards ending our therapeutic relationship – we may choose to see each other bimonthly and then once a month in preparation for our ending.
  • Fees and Payment
    Fees range on a sliding scale starting from 85 – 105£. I invoice on a monthly basis. Once we contract to work together, we agree on a specific day and time per week and then I send you an invoice at the start of the month, payable by bank transfer.
    I operate a 48 hour cancellation policy. You will not charged if your therapist cancels a session. Your therapist will also endeavour to give you advanced warnings ahead of holidays.
  • Are all your clients self-funded or are you linked to insurance companies?
    Please note that at present all my clients are self-funded.
  • Do you work online or in person?
    Since the Covid-19 pandemic, I currently only work online via Zoom which has an encrypted application to protect client confidentiality. If working online, you require a safe, confidential space to meet with good internet connection and I too will be meeting you from a safe, confidential space which good internet connection. Working online also provides the opportunity to work globally with clients calling in from different countries. When working with clients outside the UK – please note my working hours are between 09:00 – 18:30 BST.
    Depending on availability, there is an option for ‘in person’ sessions. These would be held in Central London, in a private therapeutic room.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Services

  • What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?
    Diversity: defined broadly to include various elements of human difference, includingc race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and gender.

    Equity: involves the promotion of justice, impartiality and fairness within the procedures, processes and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. Tackling inequity requires an understanding of the underlying or root causes of outcome disparities within our society.

    Inclusion: the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes. While a truly ‘inclusive’ group is necessarily diverse, a ‘diverse’ group may or may not be ‘inclusive’.
  • Why is it important?
    Every individual deserves a supportive space in which all parts of their identity are held and supported.
    Actively challenging how system inequities can impact an individual’s way of navigating different spaces is pivotal in mental health in order to provide a space in which individuals who have/continue to experience racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and ageism – feel seen/heard– and therefore feel safe to explore the impact of these inequities on their bodies.
  • Do you work online or in person?
    Since the Covid-19 pandemic, I currently only work online via Zoom which has an encrypted application to protect client confidentiality. If working online, you require a safe, confidential space to meet with good internet connection and I too will be meeting you from a safe, confidential space which good internet connection. Working online also provides the opportunity to work globally with clients calling in from different countries. When working with clients outside the UK – please note my working hours are between 09:00 – 18:30 BST.
    Depending on availability, there is an option for ‘in person’ sessions. These would be held in Central London, in a private therapeutic room.